Menu - Cardiff RFC Celebratory Dinner 1993

Object Id: 
Dinner to mark the retirement of CAP Ground & Commercial Manager Albert Francis
From the 1992/93 season review - "One of the most enjoyable social occasions this year was a “Celebration Dinner” marking the retirement of the inimitable Albert Francis. Our entrepreneurial Ground/Commercial Manager retired in February 1993 and he can look back at his career at the Arms Park with a great deal of satisfaction. Albert ‘no problem’ Francis will long be remembered for his vision of the Arms Park with the innovative Hospitality Suites at either end making our Ground the most prestigious setting for a Club Rugby Ground in the world. He will also be remembered for so many of his other talents that made him so popular with everyone associated with him, sporting and non-sporting. Within our Rugby fraternity the name or Albert Francis is synonymous with all that is good in sport."
Object Status: 
Cardiff Rugby Museum

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