Photograph - Opening of the New Hubert Johnson Room

Object Id: 
Les Spence and Haydn Wilkins with Mrs Grace Davies.
The Trophy Room in the clubhouse at Cardiff Arms was donated to the Club by one of the great men in Cardiff's history, Hubert Johnson.
His association with club began when he joined as a player from Llandaff in 1927. He served from that time as player and administrator until his untimely death in 1979 whilst still holding office as President of the Cardiff Athletic Club. During that period he gave his undivided attention to the furtherance of rugby in general and the Cardiff Club in particular.
He became immensely popular and well known throughout the rugby world and this included a host of friends from New Zealand. His charm and dignity were a tremendous advert for the Cardiff Club and by reason of his abundant generosity the club became the possessors of the Trophy Room. Since its opening in April 1969 it has been visited and admired by visitors from all over the world.
When Hubert died, the administration decided that his great services to the club should somehow be recognised and his name perpetuated.
So with due but simple ceremony on the 16th December 1979, a life-long friend of Hubert's and another great servant of the Club, Les Spence the President at the time, officially designated it "The Hubert Johnson Room”.
Object Status: 
Cardiff Rugby Museum

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