Trophy - All Blacks Supporters 1989

Object Id: 
Inscribed "In appreciation of superb hospitality All Blacks Supporters 1989"
From the Cardiff Rugby Supporters Club Chairman Ken Jones, in his 1989/90 annual report - 
"In November we were delighted to be able to entertain a party of New Zealand Supporters and their Tour Leader, Mr. Dennis Young. Dennis is an old and valued friend of the Supporters Club and what a wonderful evening we had with some 100 New Zealanders and our own Supporters enjoying the entertainment provided by a party from the Morlais Male Voice Choir. The highlight of the evening for us was the presentation to the Supporters Club of a 'Rugby Ball' carved from New Zealand Jade and mounted on a suitably engraved plinth. This was given to us as a token of their friendship and a memento of their visit to Cardiff. It can now be seen in the Hubert Johnson Room where it has a place of honour in one of the display cabinets."
Cardiff played New Zealand at the Cardiff Arms Park
14th October 1989
Cardiff 15 - 25 New Zealand
Object Status: 
CAC Collection
Donated By: 
All Black Supporters

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